about Dear Sister

Welcome to my new blog, "Dear Sister". Along with my friend, Kim, we decided to start writing letters to each other based on a photo we find somewhere while hunting treasures (flea markets, antique stores, etc.) We have a fondness for these types of photos, so we began writing letters to each other in the voice of a sister telling a story about the enclosed photo. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

written to kim from kecia (letter 4)

Dear Sister,

Your recent letter about the summerhouse, labor day and Cook made me so homesick. Hopefully next year we will be able to make it to the festivities. I've got to make it happen!

I hope Cook is adjusting to his insulin. Someone is going to have to replace his candy with that new diabetic stuff. Mildred was always dramatic anyway about stuff like that, but she did crack me up with her wailing and carrying on. Remember when you broke your arm? She was a wreck.

I love the picture of me and bunny, please tell Cook thank you for finding it. I remember bunny was so heavy, so you always helped me put him in the buggie to push around. And then he'd promptly jump right out and then I would cry. I guess you didn't realize that Alphie was lurking in the background in that photo. Aunt Edith caught him pulling my hair (again), so he wasn't allowed in the picture. Such a brat even then. Look at him pouting.

I decided to dig through my pictures of the summerhouse and found some of the ones at the lake. I think we went there everyday. That's where I met my first boyfriend, Stanley. Such a handsome devil. Remember the scandal I caused by wearing my fancy new suit that I got in the city? Just because it was black and shiny (ok, and short too!)

I also love this picture of Ma and Pa (with cousin Frances). It was nice to see them relaxing and not worrying about the farm for a few days. I loved when Pa would arrive back every Friday with flowers for Ma and full of weekend plans. He did love his time at the summerhouse. Thank goodness Tommy and his crew were so dependable on the weekends to handle things at home.

love your sister,

Sunday, September 1, 2013

wrtitten to kecia from kim (letter 3)

Dear Sister,

I have been helping mother close up the summerhouse. She is on one of her kicks to get Daddy to put it up for sale again. I swear she does this every season. I told her she would miss all the "goings on" of the neighbors and all the summer parties. You know how she loves a good party! She always complains about all the work she does and Daddy says, "Virginia, what work?" We have the house family take care of all that. Mother agrees, smiles and says, "Yes, what would we do without our beloved house family......" I chime in and say, "What would I do without those summer pies and cakes. My thighs would go on strike!" Mother thought that was a priceless quip! So I think we are done for awhile with her wanting to sell the summerhouse.

I was touched to get your letter and the picture of Sparky. It brought back so many memories of our childhood. I remember how we use to push Sparky around in our baby buggies. He was such a dear, our loyal mascot and watch dog.... Although I still blame you for my ciggie habit, but I just can't pass up a good long drag on a menthol. I have cut way back but still cannot give it up. You told me I looked like a  refined movie star the way I held my cigarette. I laugh to myself every time I think of your words. Those were priceless times of our youth.

Cook found this photo of you and "bunny". Somehow it had fallen behind the big cupboard in the dining room and he asked to please make sure that "missy" got it. He is such a sweet man. Still hands out the hard candy to any kid that is around. Daddy doesn't know how much longer Cook will be with us. He had to take him to Doc Williams the other day. He found him on the back step slumped over. He gave us such a fright. Doc says he is diabetic and is on insulin now. Daddy had to show Cook's wife how to administer it. You should have heard her carrying on about it. 

Anyway hoping the end of summer is good to you and wishing we were together for our labor day picnic. I told Miriam you said hello and she is over joyed that you will be coming to town soon. Her mom's salon is doing quite well. 

Much Love,
your sister

p.s. Please do not bring up Alphie and Edith again! You know how I cannot bear to think of those 2 snobs. I still find it hard to believe Alphie is part of our family. I still prefer to believe he isn't; and I know half the relatives would agree. OH, and mother did not send them an invite to the labor day festivities and grandmamma encouraged her!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

written by kecia, mailed to kim (letter 2)

Dear Sister,

Thank you for your recent letter. Such sweet memories of Paris. Can't wait to go back. Can you make an appointment at Doris's salon (tell Miriam hello!) for my next visit? I'm very excited to check out the latest coiffure styles in the big city!

As I was tidying up the other day, I found this photo of Sparky, our first dog. Remember how cute he was as a puppy? I was always stealing him from you and hiding him in my bed. I can still remember running through the cornfields, laughing, as Sparky ran ahead of us, equally excited to be playing outside in the fresh air! He never did like cousin Alphie, which use to make Alphie so mad. Truth be told, I never really cared for Alphie either! Especially after he married Edith. What a pair those two were. Yuck!

It was so fun to haul Sparky up into the tractor with us when we were cutting hay. He would bark at all the birds and then eventually he'd want down when Ma rang the dinner bell. My favorite memory though was when we would sneak into the barn and smoke Pa's cigarettes. We taught Sparky to stand by the door and bark if Ma or Pa was coming down! He was the best. Still miss him.

Well keep me posted on all the gossip at the salon. I'm sure Beatrice will be there in all her glory bragging about that fancy new home of hers.


your sister

written by kim, mailed to kecia

Dear Sister, 
Looking through old Paris photos and thought you would like this one taken from our balcony. Do you remember the smell of roses when we opened the doors to our suite? We both looked at each other and thought of grandmamma. She would have loved Paris, but I know that she loved our stories more when we told her about our antics while in Paris! I'm thinking we need to go back soon and take up Ginger's offer of her summer home in the Loire Valley; plenty of vineyards for us to try.

By the way, Miriam's mom finally opened her salon. All the who's who showed up to support her. It was very nice. Well time for a nap.

All my love, 

your sister xoxoxo

Welcome to my new blog, "Dear Sister". Along with my friend, Kim, we decided to start writing letters to each other based on a photo we find somewhere while hunting treasures (flea markets, antique stores, etc.) We have a fondness for these types of photos, so we began writing letters to each other in the voice of a sister telling a story about the enclosed photo. Enjoy!