about Dear Sister

Welcome to my new blog, "Dear Sister". Along with my friend, Kim, we decided to start writing letters to each other based on a photo we find somewhere while hunting treasures (flea markets, antique stores, etc.) We have a fondness for these types of photos, so we began writing letters to each other in the voice of a sister telling a story about the enclosed photo. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

written by kecia, mailed to kim (letter 2)

Dear Sister,

Thank you for your recent letter. Such sweet memories of Paris. Can't wait to go back. Can you make an appointment at Doris's salon (tell Miriam hello!) for my next visit? I'm very excited to check out the latest coiffure styles in the big city!

As I was tidying up the other day, I found this photo of Sparky, our first dog. Remember how cute he was as a puppy? I was always stealing him from you and hiding him in my bed. I can still remember running through the cornfields, laughing, as Sparky ran ahead of us, equally excited to be playing outside in the fresh air! He never did like cousin Alphie, which use to make Alphie so mad. Truth be told, I never really cared for Alphie either! Especially after he married Edith. What a pair those two were. Yuck!

It was so fun to haul Sparky up into the tractor with us when we were cutting hay. He would bark at all the birds and then eventually he'd want down when Ma rang the dinner bell. My favorite memory though was when we would sneak into the barn and smoke Pa's cigarettes. We taught Sparky to stand by the door and bark if Ma or Pa was coming down! He was the best. Still miss him.

Well keep me posted on all the gossip at the salon. I'm sure Beatrice will be there in all her glory bragging about that fancy new home of hers.


your sister

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