about Dear Sister

Welcome to my new blog, "Dear Sister". Along with my friend, Kim, we decided to start writing letters to each other based on a photo we find somewhere while hunting treasures (flea markets, antique stores, etc.) We have a fondness for these types of photos, so we began writing letters to each other in the voice of a sister telling a story about the enclosed photo. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

wrtitten to kecia from kim (letter 3)

Dear Sister,

I have been helping mother close up the summerhouse. She is on one of her kicks to get Daddy to put it up for sale again. I swear she does this every season. I told her she would miss all the "goings on" of the neighbors and all the summer parties. You know how she loves a good party! She always complains about all the work she does and Daddy says, "Virginia, what work?" We have the house family take care of all that. Mother agrees, smiles and says, "Yes, what would we do without our beloved house family......" I chime in and say, "What would I do without those summer pies and cakes. My thighs would go on strike!" Mother thought that was a priceless quip! So I think we are done for awhile with her wanting to sell the summerhouse.

I was touched to get your letter and the picture of Sparky. It brought back so many memories of our childhood. I remember how we use to push Sparky around in our baby buggies. He was such a dear, our loyal mascot and watch dog.... Although I still blame you for my ciggie habit, but I just can't pass up a good long drag on a menthol. I have cut way back but still cannot give it up. You told me I looked like a  refined movie star the way I held my cigarette. I laugh to myself every time I think of your words. Those were priceless times of our youth.

Cook found this photo of you and "bunny". Somehow it had fallen behind the big cupboard in the dining room and he asked to please make sure that "missy" got it. He is such a sweet man. Still hands out the hard candy to any kid that is around. Daddy doesn't know how much longer Cook will be with us. He had to take him to Doc Williams the other day. He found him on the back step slumped over. He gave us such a fright. Doc says he is diabetic and is on insulin now. Daddy had to show Cook's wife how to administer it. You should have heard her carrying on about it. 

Anyway hoping the end of summer is good to you and wishing we were together for our labor day picnic. I told Miriam you said hello and she is over joyed that you will be coming to town soon. Her mom's salon is doing quite well. 

Much Love,
your sister

p.s. Please do not bring up Alphie and Edith again! You know how I cannot bear to think of those 2 snobs. I still find it hard to believe Alphie is part of our family. I still prefer to believe he isn't; and I know half the relatives would agree. OH, and mother did not send them an invite to the labor day festivities and grandmamma encouraged her!

1 comment:

  1. This is so totally wonderful...love what you are doing...I create stories in my mind of old pics and old stuff I find that I can't live without...if only we knew what all they could tell us!!!
