about Dear Sister

Welcome to my new blog, "Dear Sister". Along with my friend, Kim, we decided to start writing letters to each other based on a photo we find somewhere while hunting treasures (flea markets, antique stores, etc.) We have a fondness for these types of photos, so we began writing letters to each other in the voice of a sister telling a story about the enclosed photo. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

written to kim from kecia (letter 4)

Dear Sister,

Your recent letter about the summerhouse, labor day and Cook made me so homesick. Hopefully next year we will be able to make it to the festivities. I've got to make it happen!

I hope Cook is adjusting to his insulin. Someone is going to have to replace his candy with that new diabetic stuff. Mildred was always dramatic anyway about stuff like that, but she did crack me up with her wailing and carrying on. Remember when you broke your arm? She was a wreck.

I love the picture of me and bunny, please tell Cook thank you for finding it. I remember bunny was so heavy, so you always helped me put him in the buggie to push around. And then he'd promptly jump right out and then I would cry. I guess you didn't realize that Alphie was lurking in the background in that photo. Aunt Edith caught him pulling my hair (again), so he wasn't allowed in the picture. Such a brat even then. Look at him pouting.

I decided to dig through my pictures of the summerhouse and found some of the ones at the lake. I think we went there everyday. That's where I met my first boyfriend, Stanley. Such a handsome devil. Remember the scandal I caused by wearing my fancy new suit that I got in the city? Just because it was black and shiny (ok, and short too!)

I also love this picture of Ma and Pa (with cousin Frances). It was nice to see them relaxing and not worrying about the farm for a few days. I loved when Pa would arrive back every Friday with flowers for Ma and full of weekend plans. He did love his time at the summerhouse. Thank goodness Tommy and his crew were so dependable on the weekends to handle things at home.

love your sister,

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